If you are interested in joining any of the ministries listed below, please contact the Rectory at 708.425.5354.
Education Ministries
The ministries of the Education Commission provide a wide variety of services and events for enrichment of all parishioners and their children. These ministries strive to address all aspects of spiritual, intellectual and physical development.
Baptismal Preparation
This Ministry instructs and prepares parents who wish to baptize their newborns into the Faith. Volunteers meet with the new or prospective parents for one evening to explain the Sacrament and answer questions. Attendance by the newborn's parents is required before the Baptism is scheduled.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
CLW Catechists guide children aged 4 -10 to hear the Word for Children during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses. It is a way to introduce young children to the stories of Jesus, and to form in them a spirit that is attuned to God. VIRTUS Training is required.
Christ Renews His Parish
This ministry invites all men and women to participate in an annual Saturday overnight retreat where previous participants share their faith experiences in a relaxed and informal setting. The retreat is an opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and renew one's faith life in a social setting.
Library Volunteer
Our parish library is located in the vestibule of church. There are over 600 books that include biographies, religious, fiction and children's books as well as videos.The Library is open after Sunday morning Masses. Items may be borrowed for up to three weeks.
Catechists (instructors) and Sponsors instruct Catechumens (the unbaptized) and Candidates (those baptized but who have not received the Eucharist or Confirmation) and who wish to complete their initiation into the Catholic Faith. Sessions are held weekly from October through Easter.
Youth Ministry Participants
Most Holy Redeemer Youth Ministry is partnered with St. John Fisher Youth Ministry to provide opportunities for high school students to actively participate and grow in their faith. Activities include a weekly drop-in and youth trips. A Christ Renews His Parish weekend retreat for teens is offered along with service opportunities including a summer trip to a work camp in Kentucky.
Baptismal Preparation
This Ministry instructs and prepares parents who wish to baptize their newborns into the Faith. Volunteers meet with the new or prospective parents for one evening to explain the Sacrament and answer questions. Attendance by the newborn's parents is required before the Baptism is scheduled.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
CLW Catechists guide children aged 4 -10 to hear the Word for Children during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses. It is a way to introduce young children to the stories of Jesus, and to form in them a spirit that is attuned to God. VIRTUS Training is required.
Christ Renews His Parish
This ministry invites all men and women to participate in an annual Saturday overnight retreat where previous participants share their faith experiences in a relaxed and informal setting. The retreat is an opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and renew one's faith life in a social setting.
Library Volunteer
Our parish library is located in the vestibule of church. There are over 600 books that include biographies, religious, fiction and children's books as well as videos.The Library is open after Sunday morning Masses. Items may be borrowed for up to three weeks.
Catechists (instructors) and Sponsors instruct Catechumens (the unbaptized) and Candidates (those baptized but who have not received the Eucharist or Confirmation) and who wish to complete their initiation into the Catholic Faith. Sessions are held weekly from October through Easter.
Youth Ministry Participants
Most Holy Redeemer Youth Ministry is partnered with St. John Fisher Youth Ministry to provide opportunities for high school students to actively participate and grow in their faith. Activities include a weekly drop-in and youth trips. A Christ Renews His Parish weekend retreat for teens is offered along with service opportunities including a summer trip to a work camp in Kentucky.
Human Concerns Ministries
The Human Concerns Commission focuses on the needs of the economically poor, disabled, hospitalized, homebound, and the fragile. Our mission is to promote the attitude of our Church and society, which advances the fundamental respect of the dignity of all human beings.
Sponsor-a-Family Committee
Our Parish participates in the Sponsor-a-Family program, a month-long effort to collect Christmas gifts for the many children and families served by Catholic Charities. Parishioners are invited to help make the families' Christmas joyous and happy. Parents are encouraged to have their children participate.
Hospital Visitors
These volunteers visit parishioners who are patients at Little Company of Mary or Christ Hospital on a weekly schedule. Training, through Vicariate programs, is required for certification.
Ministry of Care
The Care Ministry seeks to be a sign of Christ's presence to our homebound. Ministers of Care serve as Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and homebound. Training, through Vicariate programs, is required for certification.
Ministry of Consolation and Compassion
Following the death of a loved one, these volunteers contact the family to meet and plan the funeral liturgy.
SWCHS ( Formerly known as PADS)
On Tuesday evenings, from October through April, Most Holy Redeemer parishioners staff a PADS shelter from 5 - 9 p.m. We provide assistance to the homeless guests by serving meals, distributing clothing and being there to listen.
Respect Life
The Committee promotes pro-life activities including a Respect Life Liturgy on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Through the parish bulletin, it publishes information from the Cardinal's office for Life. Various fundraisers held throughout the year include the October Baby Bottle fundraiser, the proceeds of which support women and saving lives of unborn children. A volunteer coordinator is needed for this ministry
Service Squad
All parishioners are invited to plan and volunteer at many service opporutnities throughout the year. Past activities include Harvest Sunday, Christmas without Cancer, Book Drive and preparing sack lunches for the homeless. Multiple meetings are held throught the year to plan events. Families and individuals are invited.
Su Casa Soup Kitchen
Volunteers prepare and serve bagged lunches on the fourth Sunday of January, March, May, July September, and November at the Su Casa Soup Kitchen located at 51st and Laflin in Chicago. Food is either donated or paid for from monetary donations.
St. Vincent De Paul Society
This society is a Catholic organization of laypersons who seek to help those who are suffering economically. At Most Holy Redeemer, the Society assists families residing within our parish boundaries that are in material or financial need. The work is carried out in strictest confidence through a spirit of love and compassion. The human dignity and integrity of those being helped is always respected. Those participating in this ministry must be discreet and participate anonymously.
Wake and Funeral Ministry
This ministry asks ladies of the Parish to attend short Wake Services at funeral homes for deceased women of the parish and to stand as an Honor Guard at funeral Masses.
Music Ministries
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir practices on Wednesday evenings in Adamich Hall from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. and usually sings at the 11:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday.
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir provides musical accompaniment playing a set of handbells for various liturgies and the annual Christmas Concert. The Choir practices on Tuesday evenings from September to May.
Children's Choir
The Children's Choir is composed of children in grades 2-6 from both Most Holy Redeemer School and the School of Religion. Choirs practice in Adamich Hall on Monday afternoons. They sing at Family Masses and other special liturgies throughout the year.
Folk/Contemporary Choir
The Choir practices every other Wednesday evening, September to May, in the church from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. This choir usually sings at the 9:30 a.m. Mass twice a month.
Resurrection Choir
The Resurrection choir sings at most of the funeral liturgies in the parish. It is composed of men and women who arrive 15 minutes prior to the Liturgy. No other rehearsals are scheduled.
The Adult Choir practices on Wednesday evenings in Adamich Hall from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. and usually sings at the 11:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday.
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir provides musical accompaniment playing a set of handbells for various liturgies and the annual Christmas Concert. The Choir practices on Tuesday evenings from September to May.
Children's Choir
The Children's Choir is composed of children in grades 2-6 from both Most Holy Redeemer School and the School of Religion. Choirs practice in Adamich Hall on Monday afternoons. They sing at Family Masses and other special liturgies throughout the year.
Folk/Contemporary Choir
The Choir practices every other Wednesday evening, September to May, in the church from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. This choir usually sings at the 9:30 a.m. Mass twice a month.
Resurrection Choir
The Resurrection choir sings at most of the funeral liturgies in the parish. It is composed of men and women who arrive 15 minutes prior to the Liturgy. No other rehearsals are scheduled.
Parish Leadership Ministries
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council assists the Pastor in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. Members assist in the preparation of the parish budget, publication of the annual report, approval of extraordinary expenditures, and consult on the management of parish funds.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council serves as a liaison between the pastor, our various parish commissions, and the deanery. Members serve three-year terms and attend monthly meetings. Duties include supporting existing ministries, assessing parish needs, and finding ways to reach goals consistent with our mission.
Parish Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining Stewardship as a way of life within our parish. Their primary responsibility is to inspire parishioners to draw closer to Christ and become more involved in the mission of our parish through their gifts of time, talent, and treasure
Stewardship Newsletter
Committee tasks include interviewing for and writing articles for the quarterly stewardship newlsetter.
The Parish Finance Council assists the Pastor in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. Members assist in the preparation of the parish budget, publication of the annual report, approval of extraordinary expenditures, and consult on the management of parish funds.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council serves as a liaison between the pastor, our various parish commissions, and the deanery. Members serve three-year terms and attend monthly meetings. Duties include supporting existing ministries, assessing parish needs, and finding ways to reach goals consistent with our mission.
Parish Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining Stewardship as a way of life within our parish. Their primary responsibility is to inspire parishioners to draw closer to Christ and become more involved in the mission of our parish through their gifts of time, talent, and treasure
Stewardship Newsletter
Committee tasks include interviewing for and writing articles for the quarterly stewardship newlsetter.
Parish Life Ministries
Carnival Planning Committee
The Committee plans the Parish's largest fundraiser, held in June each year. The MHR parking lot is used for rides, games, food, and a beer garden. This event is an opportunity for the members of the parish to work and enjoy five days of fun together.
Meet and Greet
Coffee, juice and donuts are served on Family Mass weekends following the three Sunday morning Masses. This gathering provides hospitality and an opportunity to share and to meet members of the Most Holy Redeemer family in a relaxed, fun atmosphere.
Men's Club
The Men's Club is open to all men of the parish. In addition to monthly meetings, the Men's Club sponsors a number of events throughout the year such as the BBQ Bash, Breakfast with Dad, Final Four Party, and the Tuition Raffle. They also volunteer at parish functions such as MHR Homecoming BBQ at Duffy Park and run the carnival brat stand. There is also a Men's Club sponsored summer softball league and fall basketball league; all men are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Men's Golf League
The Men's Golf league is open to all men of the parish.
Women's Bowling League
The Women's Bowling League is open to all women of the parish.
Women's Guild
The Women's Guild is open to all women of the parish. The Guild provides a number of social and spiritual activities throughout the year including the Turkey Trot Progressive Cocktail Party, Night of Reflection, and the bi-annual Mother-Daughter Brunch.
The Committee plans the Parish's largest fundraiser, held in June each year. The MHR parking lot is used for rides, games, food, and a beer garden. This event is an opportunity for the members of the parish to work and enjoy five days of fun together.
Meet and Greet
Coffee, juice and donuts are served on Family Mass weekends following the three Sunday morning Masses. This gathering provides hospitality and an opportunity to share and to meet members of the Most Holy Redeemer family in a relaxed, fun atmosphere.
Men's Club
The Men's Club is open to all men of the parish. In addition to monthly meetings, the Men's Club sponsors a number of events throughout the year such as the BBQ Bash, Breakfast with Dad, Final Four Party, and the Tuition Raffle. They also volunteer at parish functions such as MHR Homecoming BBQ at Duffy Park and run the carnival brat stand. There is also a Men's Club sponsored summer softball league and fall basketball league; all men are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Men's Golf League
The Men's Golf league is open to all men of the parish.
Women's Bowling League
The Women's Bowling League is open to all women of the parish.
Women's Guild
The Women's Guild is open to all women of the parish. The Guild provides a number of social and spiritual activities throughout the year including the Turkey Trot Progressive Cocktail Party, Night of Reflection, and the bi-annual Mother-Daughter Brunch.
Spiritual Life Ministries
Altar Servers
Servers are eligible to serve in this ministry when enrolled in grades 6 through 8 in Most Holy Redeemer School or the School of Religion. A priest administers training, and faithful attendance at scheduled Masses is required. Father Nemchausky will visit the classrooms and explain this ministry to grade-schoolers.
Art and Environment Team
Ministers of Art and Environment are responsible for designing and setting up our worship space decorations appropriate for each liturgical season. Decorations are crafted by members based upon input from Church documents, the Pastor, and Parish Liturgy Commission.
Eucharistic Adoration
The Holy Cross Adoration Chapel offers Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament five days a week. Adorers committee themselves to one hour of prayer each week. The Chapel is open to all who wish to pray in a quiet space.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers have the special responsibility of assisting the Presiders at daily and weekend Masses in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. New Ministers are welcomed on an annual basis. Training, either in our Parish, and through other Vicariate programs is required before a Minister is mandated/approved for a three-year term by the Archdiocesan Office of Divine Worship.
Lectors help proclaim the Word of God at our weekend Masses and other Parish services. Good communication skills and an active faith life are required. Training is provided here in our Parish and through other Vicariate programs.
Liturgy Team
All Heads of Liturgical Ministries, the pastor, and any other interested parishioners meet on the second Tuesday of each month to plan and discuss activities that support and enhance our parish worship.
Mary's Maids
This ministry is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of our worship space. They meet each Monday following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Extra volunteers are always needed.
Ministry of Praise
The purpose of this ministry is to form a chorus of prayer in the parish. Ministers of Praise include the elderly, shut-ins, the infirm, and residents of nursing homes. The requirements are to pray daily and to offer sacrifice for the intentions of the Parish, the whole Church, and the world.
Sacristans This ministry, appointed and approved by the pastor, is responsible for setting the altar and sanctuary for our weekday morning Masses.
Ushers greet those arriving for our liturgies, assist in seating parishioners at Mass, and take up the offertory collection at Sunday and seasonal liturgies. Assignments are available for preferred Mass.
Servers are eligible to serve in this ministry when enrolled in grades 6 through 8 in Most Holy Redeemer School or the School of Religion. A priest administers training, and faithful attendance at scheduled Masses is required. Father Nemchausky will visit the classrooms and explain this ministry to grade-schoolers.
Art and Environment Team
Ministers of Art and Environment are responsible for designing and setting up our worship space decorations appropriate for each liturgical season. Decorations are crafted by members based upon input from Church documents, the Pastor, and Parish Liturgy Commission.
Eucharistic Adoration
The Holy Cross Adoration Chapel offers Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament five days a week. Adorers committee themselves to one hour of prayer each week. The Chapel is open to all who wish to pray in a quiet space.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers have the special responsibility of assisting the Presiders at daily and weekend Masses in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. New Ministers are welcomed on an annual basis. Training, either in our Parish, and through other Vicariate programs is required before a Minister is mandated/approved for a three-year term by the Archdiocesan Office of Divine Worship.
Lectors help proclaim the Word of God at our weekend Masses and other Parish services. Good communication skills and an active faith life are required. Training is provided here in our Parish and through other Vicariate programs.
Liturgy Team
All Heads of Liturgical Ministries, the pastor, and any other interested parishioners meet on the second Tuesday of each month to plan and discuss activities that support and enhance our parish worship.
Mary's Maids
This ministry is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of our worship space. They meet each Monday following the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Extra volunteers are always needed.
Ministry of Praise
The purpose of this ministry is to form a chorus of prayer in the parish. Ministers of Praise include the elderly, shut-ins, the infirm, and residents of nursing homes. The requirements are to pray daily and to offer sacrifice for the intentions of the Parish, the whole Church, and the world.
Sacristans This ministry, appointed and approved by the pastor, is responsible for setting the altar and sanctuary for our weekday morning Masses.
Ushers greet those arriving for our liturgies, assist in seating parishioners at Mass, and take up the offertory collection at Sunday and seasonal liturgies. Assignments are available for preferred Mass.
MHR School
The mission of Most Holy Redeemer School is to provide the youth of Most Holy Redeemer Parish opportunities for intellectual, spiritual, moral, and educational growth. Our School is committed to educating the young to be followers of Jesus Christ and His Gospel teachings, life long learners, and people of prayer, service, and community building.
Athletic Association
The Athletic Board strives to nurture Christian qualities of good sportsmanship, team cooperation, school spirit, and self-confidence. Volunteer adults and parents organize and staff supervised sports activities for children attending Most Holy Redeemer School and School of Religion. Children enrolled in the School of Religion can participate in football, soccer, cheerleading, baseball and golf. Most Holy Redeemer School children can also participate in volleyball and basketball. VIRTUS Training is required.
School Advisory Board
The School Advisory Board recognizes the importance of quality Catholic education as it relates to the spiritual, academic, and social development of our children. The Board works with the Pastor in hiring the school principal, reviewing budgets, determining sources of funding, and other responsibilities. The Board is comprised of the Pastor, Principal and nine parishioners elected by the parish for three-year terms.
Athletic Association
The Athletic Board strives to nurture Christian qualities of good sportsmanship, team cooperation, school spirit, and self-confidence. Volunteer adults and parents organize and staff supervised sports activities for children attending Most Holy Redeemer School and School of Religion. Children enrolled in the School of Religion can participate in football, soccer, cheerleading, baseball and golf. Most Holy Redeemer School children can also participate in volleyball and basketball. VIRTUS Training is required.
School Advisory Board
The School Advisory Board recognizes the importance of quality Catholic education as it relates to the spiritual, academic, and social development of our children. The Board works with the Pastor in hiring the school principal, reviewing budgets, determining sources of funding, and other responsibilities. The Board is comprised of the Pastor, Principal and nine parishioners elected by the parish for three-year terms.
School of Religion
Our parish's Religious Education Program provides instruction to foster religious formation and incorporate Christian values and traditions into the daily living experiences for elementary students who attend public school. Classes are held on Monday evenings.
School of Religion Advisory Board
The Advisory Board meets bi-monthly to advise and consult with the Director of Religious Education regarding curriculum and activities pertinent to the School of Religion
School of Religion Aide
Aides offer support to the catechists and children. They help prepare the classroom, and also work directly with the children to help them with projects. VIRTUS Training is required.
School of Religion Catechist
Through formal education and by their example, catechists aid parents in bringing their children into a full understanding of our Catholic faith. Classes are held throughout the school year on Monday evenings. Training is provided. VIRTUS Training is required.
Vacation Bible School Volunteer
Children 5 - 10 years old experience God through song, games, Scripture, crafts, and especially community. VBS takes place in June. Junior High and teen volunteers are especially needed. VIRTUS Training is required.
Our parish's Religious Education Program provides instruction to foster religious formation and incorporate Christian values and traditions into the daily living experiences for elementary students who attend public school. Classes are held on Monday evenings.
School of Religion Advisory Board
The Advisory Board meets bi-monthly to advise and consult with the Director of Religious Education regarding curriculum and activities pertinent to the School of Religion
School of Religion Aide
Aides offer support to the catechists and children. They help prepare the classroom, and also work directly with the children to help them with projects. VIRTUS Training is required.
School of Religion Catechist
Through formal education and by their example, catechists aid parents in bringing their children into a full understanding of our Catholic faith. Classes are held throughout the school year on Monday evenings. Training is provided. VIRTUS Training is required.
Vacation Bible School Volunteer
Children 5 - 10 years old experience God through song, games, Scripture, crafts, and especially community. VBS takes place in June. Junior High and teen volunteers are especially needed. VIRTUS Training is required.